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A bit of anxiety ahead of the big adventure

We're less than three months away from leaving Alaska and embarking on a (nine-month? twelve-month?) road trip to Maine (probably). We are so frickin' excited!! And...I'm starting to feel a little bit nervous. There is just so much to do in the next twelve weeks, not least of which is getting rid of most of our belongings.

We have to find health insurance. We have to find a packing cube company and then a storage unit, probably somewhere near Eugene, OR. We have do test runs with our camper once all this crazy snow melts to make sure it's ready to go. We have to figure out what we are taking, what we are storing, and what is going to the garage sale, on Marketplace, and to Goodwill. We have to play the waiting game with our house sale (it's under contract, thank goodness). We have to cancel streaming services and gym memberships and utility contracts. And we still have to work. And we still want to play outside and squeeze every drop out of the Alaska elixir.

Oh my god. We are leaving in 12 weeks. I am over the moon. And for the first time since imagining this wild plan, I am anxious.

So I'll take a deep breath. I'll focus on this week (and maybe next week). What can we do right now to prepare? What can we do right now to keep living life to the fullest?

This is one of the biggest transitions of my life (maybe only second to becoming a parent). I'm ready and not ready all at the same time. I'm excited and scared all at the same time. If there was ever a moment in my life where I felt all the feels, the stretch of emotions and of what is possible, it is now.

Let's do this!

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